Saturday 10 September 2011

Finally Graduated!

So I finally graduated last Wednesday yay!!!

And with that I decided to send off my PDF portfolio which I will include shortly....

Other than that, I have decided given that it's a tough market out there, that I am best off to venture out on my own and see if I can get some freelance work and possibly even get a company off the ground. I even got a present of "Steve Jobs -ileadership for a new generation" as a gift which should hopefully inspire me on my way!

In the hunt for some ideas on how to go about my first inventions as a qualified product designer I came across the following pots that made me go "wow now there's beautful design". So I decided not to be greedy and share my findings with the world:

A- The pasta pot. It has the holes on top. I love the way the lid is held on with the handles and what a great way to drain the water. It's like a colander and pot in one! I just wonder how messy it gets...and I guess the one downside is you're limited to the one pot.....unless you buy more of these....Still, all in all totally fab.

B- This one I love and to me deserves a prize! It's the Judge Vista draining pot. No finicky stuff with the lid falling as look at how the handles hold the lid in place and the lip has a little sieve for draining the water. Nice! if I had the money and the room in my little apartment, I'd totally want one!